More Than 15 Years Of Trademark
Experience In Greater Denver
July 9, 2024

How Long Does It Take to Respond to a USPTO Office Action?

After submitting your trademark application to the United States Patent and Trademark Office, you will wait with anticipation, hoping that it will be approved. However, you may receive a letter of refusal or an office action instead, indicating that there are legal problems with your application or trademark. This delay in building your brand may be frustrating and leave you wondering, “How long does it take to respond to a USPTO office action?” Four Reasons […]
June 19, 2024
Overcoming a Failure to Function Refusal from the USPTO

Overcoming a Failure to Function Refusal From the USPTO

Obtaining a trademark for your brand is a way to build a reputation and recognition. However, applying for a trademark can be a complicated process and there are a multitude of reasons that your trademark could be denied. Failure to function refusals from the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) can be among the most frustrating. If your application is denied, there are a number of ways of overcoming a failure to function refusal […]
June 18, 2024
Overcoming a Surname Refusal from the USPTO

Overcoming a Surname Refusal From the USPTO

Registering a trademark can protect your intellectual property. While you may want your company to bear your personal moniker, complications could arise if your business entity is considered a surname. The US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) doesn’t always grant trademark protections in these instances. Overcoming a surname refusal from the USPTO is not impossible when you are empowered with the knowledge to do so. Refusal on the Basis of Surname Identifying a product, business, […]
May 19, 2024
Overcoming a Descriptiveness Refusal from the USPTO

Overcoming a Descriptiveness Refusal From the USPTO

It’s always wise to register a trademark for your business. It’s an advisable move that can help establish your brand’s place within the industry or as a trusted, premier provider of a specific product or service in a niche marketplace. It also provides crucial protection. However, in the event your trademark application is rejected, you may need to find a way of overcoming a descriptiveness refusal from the USPTO. Trademark law offers protection to business […]
May 18, 2024
Overcoming a Likelihood of Confusion Refusal from the USPTO

Overcoming a Likelihood of Confusion Refusal From the USPTO

If your proposed trademark could be argued as closely resembling an already established mark, you’ll probably need an effective way of overcoming a likelihood of confusion refusal from the USPTO. What Is a Likelihood of Confusion? A “likelihood of confusion” refusal is a type of office action, particularly one of the variations of a refusal letter, sent by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO); an office action is an official letter sent to […]
April 16, 2024
How hard is it to overcome an Office Action refusal from the USPTO

How Hard Is It to Overcome an Office Action Refusal From the USPTO?

Having intellectual property that you want protected can be an exciting feeling. However, navigating the trademark and patent application process can be complex, presenting its own set of unique challenges. One common hurdle that applicants encounter is receiving an Office Action refusal from the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). If you’ve received this document, you may be asking yourself how hard is it to overcome an Office Action refusal from the USPTO? What […]
April 15, 2024
What to do when you get an Office Action refusal from the USPTO

What to Do When You Get an Office Action Refusal from the USPTO

When a person is seeking to protect their brand or invention, they typically fill out an application seeking trademark and patent protection with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). However, one of the common hurdles people face in these situations is office action refusal. If you receive one of these, the attorneys at Four Reasons Legal can help you understand what to do when you get an office action refusal from the USPTO. […]
March 16, 2024
Can you sue to get your domain name back?

Can You Sue to Get Your Domain Name Back?

It can be frustrating and confusing when you establish your business’s online presence and realize that someone owns your domain name. You may have difficulty understanding why someone would already own your domain, especially when your business name is highly unique or personal to you. In such cases, contacting a Denver domain name dispute attorney is wise. Seek advice or counsel on your situation before the situation becomes too complex. Why Does Someone Own My […]
March 15, 2024
How do I dispute a domain name?

How Do I Dispute a Domain Name?

A domain name will be the first look most customers will have of your business or organization. If you have spent years building your brand, amassing a loyal clientele, and making a name for yourself, it is a heavy burden to end up in a domain name dispute. While some domain name issues are simple misunderstandings, others can end in complex battles with “cybersquatters.” If you find yourself in a dispute, contact a Denver domain […]