More Than 15 Years Of Trademark
Experience In Greater Denver
March 25, 2021

How to Get a Food Trademark

Establishing and maintaining a brand is crucial to any business’s success. Many of the most successful and well-known brands have a unique logo, name, or packaging design that easily distinguishes them from the competition. Take the brand Nike, for example, one of the world’s leading fitness apparel companies. People everywhere recognize the infamous Nike lightning bolt logo and are familiar with the brand it represents. The food industry is no different. In fact, building and […]
March 30, 2020

Intellectual Property Conflicts Between Your Startup And Day Job

Launching a startup without loans or savings can be difficult. If you are like many people looking to start a business, you might consider keeping your 9-to-5 as you roll out your company. People often refer to this as “moonlighting.” While moonlighting can seem financially sound, it is important to consider your intellectual property rights before you decide to try it. Intellectual property conflicts often occur when entrepreneurs begin their business ventures with an approach […]
December 3, 2019

Why Are Trademarks Important For Businesses?

Trademarks are an important part of business branding. They are a way for customers to recognize your company without having to see your name. Not all businesses have a trademark, but if you do have one, you should do what you can to protect it. There are some unscrupulous individuals who will try to take another company’s trademark so they can capitalize from the trademark owner’s hard work to build a positive reputation in the […]
September 3, 2019

How To Handle A Domain Name Dispute

Domain names have become highly competitive because they are such a large part of any brand’s identity. There are over 300 million registered domains on the internet, and this grows by 25 million each year. If you own the trademark to a certain name, but the domain associated with that name is owned by another owner, you may find yourself in a dispute. Many organizations and individuals now purchase domains that they deem to be […]
June 4, 2019

Taking Action When Someone Violates Your Copyright Online

The unique images and words that your company uses to define itself and reach consumers, as well as the images and words included in your products themselves, have protection under federal copyright law. Unfortunately, many people treat the internet as the place where copyright does not exist. People may steal your artwork, videos, words and photographs to display on their website. They might even print them on shirts and try selling them on social media. […]
March 6, 2019

Important Considerations For Trademark Registration

A trademark is an identifying symbol for a company. Many companies opt to register their trademark so that others can’t use the same mark or one that is so similar that it confuses the public. If your company is considering a trademark registration, there are several considerations for you to think about. This is why it is often better to have an attorney represent you in these cases. There are times when your case might […]
December 5, 2018

You Have Options When Someone Is Cybersquatting On Your Domain

Not so long ago, many business people considered websites to be a minor and somewhat annoying form of marketing. However, digital presence is no longer an option for most businesses. While many companies still thrive on word-of-mouth recommendations from existing customers, an increasing number of people and companies find their suppliers for various products and services online. Having a digital footprint is necessary for business growth. You need to have an established presence on most […]
September 5, 2018

Trademarks, Service Marks And Trade Dress Identify Companies

You want people to recognize your service or product easily. One way that you might do this is through a special mark. Most people think of trademarks in this regard, but there are other types that can also identify your business. It is possible to have more than one mark that identifies your company. Understanding the different types can be helpful. 3 types of identifying marks There are three types of marks that can identify […]
June 11, 2018

Copyrights In All Forms Must Be Respected

Copyrighted works are protected so that nobody can take someone else’s work and profit from it. Finding out about copyrights is an important step to take for any business or individual before using anything that they didn’t create on their own. When there are issues that come up related to copyrights, there are specific steps that must be taken. Depending on the severity of the infringement, there is a chance that a person who violates […]