More Than 15 Years Of Trademark
Experience In Greater Denver
January 16, 2022
What Trademark Class Includes Cycling Equipment?

What Trademark Class Includes Cycling Equipment?

Cycling has become tremendously popular in the United States. Many people enjoy cycling for exercise while others ride their bikes for leisure during their time off. Others use their bicycles as alternative transportation, saving money on transportation costs in an environmentally responsible and healthy manner. If you intend to enter the cycling market with new cycling products, it’s wise to register your trademark to ensure your products are legally protected. The United States Patent and […]
January 16, 2022
Can You Trademark Automotive Accessories?

Can You Trademark Automotive Accessories?

Navigating the trademark laws of the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) can be incredibly challenging. Every trademarked product in the US must fall into one or more classes defined by the USPTO. Therefore, if you intend to trademark a new product, you must first determine which class or classes apply to your product. If you manufacture automotive accessories, you must trademark your products so other entities cannot copy your productions and profit from […]
December 15, 2021
Denver Pet Food Trademark Attorney

Denver Pet Food Trademark Attorney

Which Trademark Class Is Pet Food? When it comes to trademark law, many different classes of goods and services are available for protection as intellectual property. In fact, every product or service trademarked within the United States must fall under one or more of 45 distinct categories. As a result, if you’re looking to trademark your pet food product, you’ll need to know which class or classes it falls under, what this means for businesses […]
December 15, 2021
Denver Pet Product Trademark Attorney

How Do You Trademark Pet Products?

Denver Pet Products Trademark Attorney Have you recently created a new pet product? Are you looking to protect your pet product from intellectual property theft and infringement by others? As you plan to bring your product to the market, you’ll want to consider trademarking it. Your hard work deserves to be protected. The process of trademarking a pet product is similar to the process for acquiring trademarks in other industries. However, there are a few […]
November 19, 2021
Beverage Trademark Attorney in Denver, CO

How Do You Trademark a Beverage?

Beverages Trademark Attorney in Denver, CO According to the USDA Economic Research Service, nearly 4,300 new beverages are released every year in the nation’s market. With competition this intense, it is crucial for beverage companies to make a positive first impression on consumers and differentiate their products from those marketed by competitors. As with any other consumer product, beverages need creative, unique branding that stands out on the shelves and encourages shoppers to select them […]
November 19, 2021
Medicine and Medicinal Product Trademark Attorney in Denver, CO

Medicinal Product Trademark Attorney in Denver, CO

Can You Trademark Medicines and Medicinal Products? Trademarks are an important form of intellectual property created to protect your brand and your consumers. Trademarks promote brand visibility, ensure that consumers can distinguish your products from those offered by competitors, and offer key information about the source of your products. These components are crucial to informing consumers regarding what to expect when they purchase your products. Trademarks also help consumers avoid accidentally purchasing a similar, yet […]
October 15, 2021
What Is the Trademark Class for Cosmetics?

What Is the Trademark Class for Cosmetics?

Trademarks are all around us. Whether we notice them on the bottom of a mug, on our clothing, or on our electronics, there is no doubt that trademarks are an essential part of the American economic system. Though they may seem foreign to you, trademarks are the backbone of innovation. They ensure that inventors and businesses are rewarded for unique designs and creations and keep profits in the pockets of individuals who deserve them. When […]
October 14, 2021
What Are the Most Common Trademarks for Housewares?

What Are the Most Common Trademarks for Housewares?

Trademark law is a unique facet of the legal system. Though trademarks affect nearly every part of our lives, most people take them for granted. This is because the burden of worrying about protecting intellectual property and invention falls to the business or creator, not the customer. There are many trademark categories. In fact, a product can fall within one of 45 different classes of trademarks, often making it complicated to know where to begin. […]
October 5, 2021
How Does One Register a Trademark for Footwear?

How Does One Register a Trademark for Footwear?

Are you interested in creating a new footwear brand? Starting your own business can be incredibly rewarding, but it is essential to understand the legal responsibilities that come with creating an entirely new brand of products. Footwear is a highly competitive industry, but there is a great deal of promise for aspiring business owners who are interested in entering the market. If you want to sell a new brand of footwear, you will need to […]